*I have found my love for running again..not sure where it had been hiding???oh yeah under all that baby weight and cozy nursing bras....but I have run as far as 6.5 miles...hoping to keep inreasing my mileage and get up to that half marathon and someday hopefully...marathon.
* My youngest child will be 2 May 20th. I have no more babies and it is looking like there won't be any more unless God has other plans. Life is changing...
* working on changing mine and entire family's diet. We have changed to organic, no hormone milk. Brad lovingly calls it my "golden milk" I am amazed at how much better it tastes. We have been eating a lot more veggies and fruit. However, I have not been swayed enough to spend the big bucks on organic. I have been researching and reading blogs for months on "clean" eating. We will never be completely clean or vegan but I would like to do the best I can without going crazy.
*We have been in our first home for almost a year and a half...we have made a lot of great changes but still have tons more we would like to make...I may blog on the little victories and big projects..we shall see...