Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goal Check Thursday

#1) the diet:

This has been the easiest to maintain. For me, I don't believe in taking away foods from my diet but simply adding the good stuff. So I have been eating Cheerios or toast for breakfast with some type of fruit. My lunch has greatly improved. I have been loving my turkey and cheese sandwhiches with a fruit and some type of vegetable, this week it has been carrots mostly. I have eaten a vegetable everyday this week with dinner as well. I thought this goal would be hard but so far it has been easy. Who cares if I have had some easter candy mixed in there?! I bet if I didn't eat the good stuff first I would have eaten more candy.

#2) water

The water drinking is going ok. I am not drinking as much as I should probably. I think I drink about 4 glasses a day which does hit my goal. I drink a lot of milk and other stuff too though. I am hoping to drink more water and lessen the other liquids.

#3) exercise

I fail here big time. Twice last week I did a lot of cleaning which in my book can count as exercise. I did no organized or intentional form of exercise this week. Anyone notice the weather??? Bad excuse but still..I said I would be honest

#4) hour to myself

Not this week.

#5) tv watching

I made my goal for the first 2 days and then went downhill. I was sick last week so I didn't feel like doing much else. I don't feel too guilty. I have been working on a list of crafts and games to do with the kids for this next week so the tv can be off.

Well off to move my poor sick sleeping daughter from the couch to her bed.

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