Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This morning after dropping Laila and Landon off at school, Lydia and I walked a few blocks down to Jays farm stand. I decided I wanted to make applesauce in the crock pot to fill my house with that delicious apple cinnamon smell. I love being able to walk down and get apples for 69 cents a pound and not have to worry about picking apples without any blemishes.

Lydia is the perfect age to go on walks/adventures with. Unfortunately, she has always been miss independent and won't hold my hand at all.

She insisted on bringing a backpack with snacks and her baby. Half way through the walk she took her coat off to wrap around her baby. It was a cold morning too!

    I don't have anything fancy to cut and core my apples so I spent awhile preparing them for the crock pot.

                                            My house may not be clean but it will smell heavenly.

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