Monday, November 26, 2012


We are now an elf on the shelf family. Freddy is our newest member of the family. If you have never heard of this, first of all where have you been??? and second of all..check it out! You buy either a boy or girl elf which comes with a book that explains the tradition of the elf and the reasoning behind owning one. Basically you tell your kids they have to come up with a name for your elf and they are not supposed to touch him. I am not sure why no touching..but anyway....then in the story it says that your elf watches you all day long and then when you go to bed at night he flies back to the north pole to report back to santa on whether you have been good or bad that day. For the record I didn't buy this elf so that I could doop my kids into being good...because it doesn't work.  If I am being completely honest I love the idea that as the parents we get to be creative and place him in a new location every night and the kids are supposed to try and find him each morning. Pinterest has many creative ideas of what to do with your elf but I am going to try and come up with my own ideas as long as I can.

This is where I put him last night. I am not sure where I came up with this idea. The kids had put this plastic snake on our brick months ago. I think that adds a nice touch to rock climbing Freddy.
Stay tuned for Freddy's latest shenanigans!!

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