Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Whole Year without pop!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't even count how many people I have seen post about trying to quit drinking pop lately on facebook. That was me last year. I will be honest and say that I wasn't too confident at the time that I would be able to keep away from the darn stuff. I am a self proclaimed sugar addict in fact. I can't say now that I really even remember times of struggling much without it. I am sure there were, however a year later I don't miss it at all! The only time I remember even questioning why I was doing this was when I would get together with people or go to a restaurant and their drinks looked way more fun than my clear liquid. Yes, I know I sound like a baby and yes, I know there is always tea. However, I have tried for years to like tea but it just doesn't do anything for me. Now that I have rambled on I just wanted to say that for whoever reads make take a long time to get over pop..maybe even a year...but one year later and I am pretty sure I could live a life time without it now. :)

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