Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Five

#1 listening to on repeat: I never want to just make something up on here because this is for future Liz to look at. I have shared my love for Ed Sheeran on here many times but lately I have been listening to some songs he wrote for one direction. My favorite is "moments"

#2 reading: nothing

#3 watching: There is literally nothing on worth watching

#4 eating or drinking: When I wasn't snacking on jelly beans I was eating carrots and celery to balance it out:)

#5 goal: my goal was to get back in the routine of running and eating healthy. Running this week went well..eating well did not!! We are having friends over tonight and I am making icecream sandwhiches for dessert.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Five

#1 song on repeat:  "hearts on fire" by Passenger and Ed Sheeran

#2 watching: nothing

#3 reading: nothing

#4 eating or drinking: I started drinking lemon water this week. I have always heard that it is supposed to boost metabolism and the immune system. It also makes drinking water less boring.

#5 goal: I haven't been able to run this week because Lydia is on winter break and we have had something going on every night when Brad gets home from work. Soo instead I have been doing planks. I have just started off with a minute. I have been doing this twice with other ab exercises.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Five

#1 listening to on repeat: "whatever she's got" by David Nail

#2 watching: I started to watch the Tudors this week on netflix. I have always been a sucker for movies and shows based on history. This particular show centers around Henry the eighth. Going in I knew there would be violence and scandal but after one episode found out it wasn't for me. Soo now I need a new series.

#3 reading: nothing

#4 eating or drinking: what haven't I eaten this week?? This has been a tough week for my family with putting our Leo down so I have definitely been trying to eat my feelings away.

#5 goal: Not lose my is that for a goal?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goodbye Leo

Super Bowl was an exciting day in our household minus one thing. Our Loving lab of 4 years, Leo bit one of our friends kids noses. It basically punctured his nose and caused it to bleed on the outside and inside. It was hard to tell how bad it was so our friends took him to the ER just to be safe. Luckily, he didn't need any stitching or glue. Unfortunately, they had to file a report. Brad and I were sick about it even though we knew he was going to be ok. Two days later Brad received a call from animal control asking if this was the first time Leo had bit anyone. Part of me wishes he would have lied and said no. Brad didn't blatantly lie but he did say "I am not comfortable answering that." Leo has nipped one of Lailas friends and has given Landon a bruise on his nose by nipping. This was the first time he broke skin. They called Brad the next day again to tell him that Leo was now listed as a dangerous dog. A dangerous dog? I have been Leo's human since Brad brought him home 4 years ago and I reluctantly grew to love him and refer to him as my protector. I was frustrated when I first heard this but didn't realize exactly what this meant until later in the day when Brad called me crying. He told me that because Leo is listed as a dangerous dog we could have felony charges pressed against us if Leo were to bite again. Ever been in a situation where you know what the right thing to do is but at the same time it feels wrong to do it? This is how I feel. Brad and I both knew that we had to let them put him down. Leo isn't sick and he has been the best dog to our family. I keep wishing I could reason with him and tell him to stop biting. Brad has talked to many people in the last week that have said we are doing the right thing. That chances are he is just going to keep escalating. The worst part of this has been that even after we made our decision we weren't allowed to put him down yet. The state law after a dog bites is that they have to be quarantined for 10 days. This means they aren't allowed around other dogs so no going to the vet. So we have to feed and love on a dog for the last 10 days knowing it's about to end. The first couple days I had it in my head that I was going to just ignore him the best I could so it wouldn't hurt. After a couple days I realized I would be upset with myself later if I didn't love on him as much as I could.

Tomorrow is the big day. Brad is getting off work a little early and we have one last walk with Leo over to Shelton veterinary clinic. Tonight we told the kids. I had been dreading this and it was horrible like I had expected. The only saving grace was that they weren't angry with us like we thought they might be.  Laila and Landon took it the worst as you could imagine. Lydia was just concerned with not having a dog..she wanted to know when we could get another one already. I guess that is a 4 year old for ya. I am glad that Laila and Landon may have some memories of him when they are older. Tomorrow is going to be rough when we have to say our last goodbyes. I wish it were sunglasses weather.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Five

#1 song on repeat: Katy Perry "Dark Horse"

#2 reading: nothing

#3 watching: I am going to see Vampire Academy in the theater tonight. I read the books which I really liked but based on the previews the movie looks like crap. However, I need out of the house so I'm going on a best friend date with dinner and a movie.

#4 eating or drinking: skittles skittles and more skittles! I am surprised I don't have rainbow pee.

#5 goal: get out of my funk from being sick...I was not specific about this goal at all but today I vacuumed for the first time in a month!!