Wednesday, January 28, 2009

mom pillow

I don't remember the last time this girl fell alseep on me. Her sister sure made a good pillow though! You may notice the bite mark on her arm. That was a gift from Landon yesterday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


He plays hard and crashes hard
I think he is looking so grown up lately
he started out using the cookie cutters and being neat
this was short lived before he dug into it
if you my kids still have blue lips or hands next time you see them this is why

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

new nightgown

I started this nightgown in October I believe and have been needing to finish the neck and wrists ever since. I finally finished it tonight!! It is big but at least it will last awhile.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

for my girl

My mom and I went shopping this weekend to babies rus and motherhood maternity in the Tacoma mall. I was in desparate need of maternity pants. I had already bought 2 pairs of old navy maternity pants which are both unwearable with holes in the crotch and waist band. I came home with two pairs of jeans and khakis and my mom bought me a few shirts.

Our new baby girl basically needs nothing. It is just nice for her to have something of her own. I was in search of her own coming home outfit when I came across this onesie with the tu tu attached. Not exactly nice and snug for a newborn to wear home but it was too cute to pass up. I bet I will have cute pictures of her in it.

Update on the pregnancy: So far this has been the most challenging pregnancy for me. I have been really tired(I blame that part on having two kids to take care of), hearburn for the last month nonstop, lots of aches and pains I never have had before, My irregular heart beat has been kicked into high gear lately. I have heard that is common when you add a pregnancy to the mix and I have been having contractions since 16 weeks. I think I have decided I got off easy with my first two children. I also think God might be saying this is it! :)

Thanks Cindy for telling me about Papaya tablets. They haven't taken away the heartburn and indigestion but it does take the edge off enough to function. name yet!