Monday, May 2, 2011


I am only posting this on my blog because I am just so frusterated and need to get it out without starting a facebook debate. I am sooo tired of reading about how Obama deserves no credit for OBL's death and how it's an american victory. What a slap in the face. The people who claim to be the most patriotic are the ones who are bashing our president which is like the most unpatriotic thing you could do. Some of these same people are the ones who got heated when there was talk of soldiers losing their pay for awhile. How can people say that it was all Obama's fault and then weeks later say he had nothing to do with Osama's death. I don't like talking politics in general because I usually have a different opinion than most of my friends so the last few days have been so frusterating on facebook. I think I may just stay away for a few days.

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