Monday, January 28, 2008

Surprise Surprise

We were flamingoed!! Thanks guys!! As you can see the kids think it's pretty great. Laila saw them at church yesterday and really thought we needed one for our yard. We are probably going to have to sneak it away from her to Flamingo someone else. For those of you who don't know what I am talking is for a church fundraiser..I would link to Justin's blog where the video explains it all but I don't know how yet...


kristi said...

the video link is here.

[this is .justin, for kristi]

kristi said...

weird. i was coming to comment and there was already a comment from my name...thought i was losing my mind for a minute! but i guess justin commented from my computer!

i was just going to say that judah was really interested in the flamingos at church too. :)